all postcodes in SA14 / LLANELLI

find any address or company within the SA14 postcode district

Postcode Area

SA / Swansea

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SA14 8GB 23 0 51.688425 -4.08873
SA14 8GD 24 0 51.689779 -4.088445
SA14 8GE 25 0 51.689722 -4.089094
SA14 8GF 34 0 51.689074 -4.089151
SA14 8HA 4 0 51.702204 -4.133072
SA14 8HB 18 0 51.702413 -4.133979
SA14 8HD 4 0 51.702264 -4.135217
SA14 8HE 15 0 51.702519 -4.135562
SA14 8HF 18 0 51.703111 -4.135633
SA14 8HG 2 0 51.70283 -4.136626
SA14 8HH 29 0 51.703477 -4.136273
SA14 8HJ 2 0 51.733874 -4.120682
SA14 8HL 29 0 51.702334 -4.136841
SA14 8HN 44 0 51.705414 -4.133136
SA14 8HP 2 0 51.701425 -4.137703
SA14 8HR 36 0 51.70189 -4.13847
SA14 8HS 34 0 51.701155 -4.139854
SA14 8HT 16 0 51.700485 -4.142586
SA14 8HU 1 1 51.699 -4.140143
SA14 8HW 36 0 51.702556 -4.137951