all postcodes in SA17 / FERRYSIDE

find any address or company within the SA17 postcode district

Postcode Area

SA / Swansea

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SA17 5DF 1 0 51.789645 -4.215341
SA17 5DG 18 0 51.796371 -4.218238
SA17 5DN 4 0 51.797239 -4.21609
SA17 5DP 6 0 51.795941 -4.218144
SA17 5DQ 22 0 51.739117 -4.308235
SA17 5DR 25 0 51.79575 -4.215357
SA17 5DS 2 0 51.793722 -4.21607
SA17 5DT 1 0 51.798048 -4.20415
SA17 5DW 2 0 51.797298 -4.215317
SA17 5EB 4 0 51.799245 -4.213215
SA17 5ED 2 0 51.805651 -4.20534
SA17 5EE 2 0 51.799625 -4.217331
SA17 5EH 6 0 51.741132 -4.313219
SA17 5EJ 15 2 51.741124 -4.316826
SA17 5EG 10 0 51.742695 -4.311039
SA17 5EL 2 0 51.803583 -4.238152
SA17 5EN 12 1 51.804624 -4.23544
SA17 5EP 1 0 51.808089 -4.229127
SA17 5EQ 25 0 51.741104 -4.311001
SA17 5ER 2 0 51.813392 -4.223549