all postcodes in SA2 / SWANSEA

find any address or company within the SA2 postcode district

Postcode Area

SA / Swansea

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SA2 0LX 27 0 51.619595 -3.975011
SA2 0LY 28 0 51.619854 -3.973491
SA2 0LZ 16 0 51.617829 -3.984266
SA2 0NA 42 0 51.620305 -3.974493
SA2 0NB 31 0 51.620242 -3.973421
SA2 0ND 28 1 51.620116 -3.97239
SA2 0NE 16 0 51.619759 -3.971653
SA2 0NF 36 0 51.618763 -3.969963
SA2 0NG 31 0 51.618704 -3.97022
SA2 0NH 29 0 51.618704 -3.97022
SA2 0NL 36 0 51.618704 -3.97022
SA2 0NP 11 9 51.618021 -3.965943
SA2 0NX 13 5 51.618117 -3.965023
SA2 0NY 1 1 51.618107 -3.965109
SA2 0PA 8 0 51.618118 -3.964402
SA2 0PB 32 2 51.618513 -3.964755
SA2 0PG 18 11 51.618409 -3.966885
SA2 0PJ 45 1 51.619664 -3.968239
SA2 0PL 4 1 51.619367 -3.968226
SA2 0PN 18 0 51.619987 -3.968802