all postcodes in SA3 / SWANSEA

find any address or company within the SA3 postcode district

Postcode Area

SA / Swansea

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SA3 1DT 4 0 51.606333 -4.253845
SA3 1EB 11 3 51.601744 -4.141154
SA3 1ED 15 3 51.602309 -4.155816
SA3 1EE 21 1 51.605703 -4.168967
SA3 1EH 47 4 51.607816 -4.171408
SA3 1EL 6 0 51.606488 -4.171258
SA3 1EN 22 0 51.607153 -4.172228
SA3 1EQ 2 0 51.606388 -4.168243
SA3 1ER 26 0 51.610168 -4.17308
SA3 1ES 11 1 51.608436 -4.166065
SA3 1EU 18 5 51.615216 -4.158775
SA3 1ET 1 0 51.612422 -4.163048
SA3 1EX 5 0 51.607923 -4.150471
SA3 1EY 2 0 51.619863 -4.146016
SA3 1HA 34 4 51.605518 -4.184267
SA3 1HB 19 0 51.610426 -4.19353
SA3 1HD 27 1 51.615896 -4.218264
SA3 1HE 2 0 51.615323 -4.217985
SA3 1HN 0 51.595476 -4.21145
SA3 1HP 0 51.595127 -4.211182