all postcodes in SA4 / SWANSEA

find any address or company within the SA4 postcode district

Postcode Area

SA / Swansea

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SA4 6JF 24 0 51.660477 -4.045787
SA4 6JS 28 0 51.664402 -4.06349
SA4 6JT 33 0 51.665225 -4.06373
SA4 6JU 21 0 51.664366 -4.061435
SA4 6JX 38 0 51.665106 -4.060804
SA4 6PA 21 0 51.662034 -4.050326
SA4 6PB 20 0 51.662505 -4.051677
SA4 6PD 20 0 51.662332 -4.052291
SA4 6PE 26 0 51.661752 -4.052063
SA4 6PG 46 1 51.666853 -4.055012
SA4 6PH 15 0 51.666763 -4.057076
SA4 6PJ 13 0 51.666968 -4.055639
SA4 6PL 36 0 51.665206 -4.056615
SA4 6PN 39 0 51.666755 -4.057862
SA4 6PP 19 0 51.665522 -4.053983
SA4 6PR 32 0 51.664843 -4.055268
SA4 6PS 23 1 51.664098 -4.056203
SA4 6PU 10 0 51.664328 -4.052352
SA4 6PW 54 0 51.665824 -4.058306
SA4 6PY 8 0 51.672978 -4.053423