all postcodes in SA6 / SWANSEA

find any address or company within the SA6 postcode district

Postcode Area

SA / Swansea

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SA6 6LG 1 51.683862 -3.935682
SA6 6LH 0 51.675704 -3.92816
SA6 6LJ 1 51.677001 -3.928364
SA6 6LL 1 51.678724 -3.930781
SA6 6LN 0 51.679229 -3.934761
SA6 6LP 0 51.678357 -3.936373
SA6 6LQ 3 51.683377 -3.924498
SA6 6LR 0 51.678878 -3.937509
SA6 6LS 0 51.679369 -3.936589
SA6 6LT 1 51.677712 -3.926379
SA6 6LU 0 51.677417 -3.922982
SA6 6LW 0 51.678628 -3.933564
SA6 6LX 0 51.676981 -3.923802
SA6 6LY 0 51.678789 -3.923228
SA6 6LZ 0 51.680825 -3.933397
SA6 6NA 0 51.67734 -3.919999
SA6 6NB 2 51.677223 -3.917583
SA6 6RR 0 51.678047 -3.916905
SA6 6NE 0 51.678346 -3.921676
SA6 6NF 0 51.679228 -3.924968