all postcodes in SA62 / HAVERFORDWEST

find any address or company within the SA62 postcode district

Postcode Area

SA / Swansea

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SA62 3PA 0 51.762823 -4.996243
SA62 3PB 0 51.763387 -4.996159
SA62 3PD 0 51.764608 -5.008547
SA62 3PE 0 51.762663 -4.992459
SA62 3PF 0 51.761372 -4.990518
SA62 3PH 0 51.761442 -4.995006
SA62 3PJ 2 51.757583 -4.995418
SA62 3PL 11 51.75653 -4.99772
SA62 3PN 4 51.755414 -4.997941
SA62 3PP 0 51.755863 -4.997052
SA62 3PQ 0 51.760622 -4.991923
SA62 3PR 2 51.755095 -4.996842
SA62 3PS 0 51.755498 -4.993391
SA62 3PT 0 51.754553 -4.993594
SA62 3PU 0 51.754339 -4.992102
SA62 3PW 0 51.755389 -4.999243
SA62 3PX 0 51.755048 -4.99268
SA62 3PY 1 51.755488 -4.990062
SA62 3PZ 0 51.756921 -4.99647
SA62 3QA 0 51.753756 -4.989918