all postcodes in SA62 / HAVERFORDWEST

find any address or company within the SA62 postcode district

Postcode Area

SA / Swansea

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SA62 6RG 15 0 51.879892 -5.269839
SA62 6US 4 0 51.884524 -5.200207
SA62 6BR 1 51.882002 -5.220127
SA62 6BW 7 0 51.879823 -5.258382
SA62 6DF 3 0 51.880384 -5.269986
SA62 6FB 13 0 51.832006 -5.047622
SA62 6JS 8 0 51.845886 -5.010543
SA62 6DQ 4 0 51.845705 -5.010589
SA62 6LF 4 0 51.845047 -5.010269
SA62 6FE 3 0 51.853911 -5.004236
SA62 6FA 6 0 51.846115 -5.085747
SA62 6FF 6 0 51.846334 -5.085979