all postcodes in SA64 / GOODWICK

find any address or company within the SA64 postcode district

Postcode Area

SA / Swansea

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SA64 0DT 6 0 52.009136 -4.992156
SA64 0DU 13 0 52.009136 -4.992521
SA64 0DX 28 0 52.010308 -4.99165
SA64 0DY 32 0 52.010903 -4.990553
SA64 0DZ 36 0 52.011959 -4.99039
SA64 0EA 14 0 52.010134 -4.990416
SA64 0EH 13 0 52.001472 -5.000299
SA64 0EJ 10 0 52.001853 -4.998751
SA64 0EL 51 0 52.001066 -4.999645
SA64 0EN 25 0 52.001039 -5.001102
SA64 0ER 27 0 52.002708 -5.000179
SA64 0EP 17 0 52.00162 -5.002262
SA64 0ES 6 0 52.003001 -5.000694
SA64 0HG 9 0 52.003692 -4.999677
SA64 0ET 19 1 52.003347 -5.001911
SA64 0EU 14 0 52.002586 -5.003885
SA64 0EY 14 0 52.003972 -5.003528
SA64 0EZ 20 0 52.004948 -5.004744
SA64 0HA 10 0 52.004856 -5.003412
SA64 0HB 34 0 52.005566 -5.003445