all postcodes in SA65 / FISHGUARD

find any address or company within the SA65 postcode district

Postcode Area

SA / Swansea

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SA65 9BJ 43 0 51.992563 -4.981814
SA65 9BL 10 0 51.993777 -4.981429
SA65 9BP 15 0 51.993326 -4.983613
SA65 9BS 10 0 51.994529 -4.983008
SA65 9BT 20 3 51.994784 -4.97931
SA65 9BU 4 0 51.994413 -4.979343
SA65 9DA 23 2 51.99563 -4.981362
SA65 9DB 12 1 51.995093 -4.981967
SA65 9DD 24 2 51.996235 -4.981271
SA65 9DE 1 0 51.997199 -4.983405
SA65 9DF 21 1 51.996701 -4.982424
SA65 9DJ 26 0 51.996857 -4.98086
SA65 9DL 7 0 51.996551 -4.985532
SA65 9DN 6 1 51.997944 -4.982755
SA65 9DP 13 2 51.99786 -4.983915
SA65 9DR 44 0 51.997744 -4.985611
SA65 9DS 3 1 51.997288 -4.986616
SA65 9DT 1 1 51.996412 -4.988189
SA65 9DU 10 0 51.998718 -4.985196
SA65 9DW 13 1 51.997447 -4.98463