all postcodes in SA6 / SWANSEA

find any address or company within the SA6 postcode district

Postcode Area

SA / Swansea

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SA6 6PA 0 51.699161 -3.925669
SA6 6PB 2 51.703388 -3.931681
SA6 6PD 0 51.710506 -3.936284
SA6 6PE 0 51.708038 -3.94576
SA6 6PF 0 51.715553 -3.948616
SA6 6PG 0 51.721419 -3.940312
SA6 6PH 0 51.678128 -3.923504
SA6 6PJ 0 51.680731 -3.936329
SA6 6PL 0 51.681446 -3.937719
SA6 6PP 0 51.678606 -3.924479
SA6 6PQ 0 51.721927 -3.943132
SA6 6PR 0 51.678922 -3.926054
SA6 6PS 0 51.681178 -3.937043
SA6 6PT 0 51.683251 -3.925283
SA6 6PU 0 51.682036 -3.939018
SA6 6PW 0 51.678855 -3.923564
SA6 6PY 0 51.678983 -3.921211
SA6 6PZ 0 51.677059 -3.915706
SA6 6QB 1 51.67096 -3.920051
SA6 6QD 0 51.67155 -3.920492