all postcodes in SA70 / TENBY

find any address or company within the SA70 postcode district

Postcode Area

SA / Swansea

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SA70 8BJ 0 51.674352 -4.710324
SA70 8BL 0 51.675124 -4.711616
SA70 8BN 3 51.674675 -4.715061
SA70 8BP 0 51.675932 -4.713586
SA70 8BQ 0 51.674607 -4.709835
SA70 8BS 0 51.676026 -4.712637
SA70 8BT 0 51.674036 -4.716207
SA70 8BU 1 51.674546 -4.716743
SA70 8BX 0 51.674275 -4.717942
SA70 8BY 0 51.675184 -4.714409
SA70 8BZ 2 51.675427 -4.716753
SA70 8DA 2 51.674887 -4.718297
SA70 8DB 0 51.675819 -4.719266
SA70 8DD 1 51.676527 -4.714663
SA70 8DE 0 51.676448 -4.711493
SA70 8DG 1 51.676694 -4.711391
SA70 8DH 0 51.677029 -4.710845
SA70 8DJ 1 51.676804 -4.710109
SA70 8DL 0 51.676029 -4.709382
SA70 8DN 0 51.678084 -4.715002