all postcodes in SA70 / TENBY

find any address or company within the SA70 postcode district

Postcode Area

SA / Swansea

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SA70 7PE 0 51.664355 -4.722988
SA70 7PF 0 51.666487 -4.72416
SA70 7PG 0 51.66478 -4.725227
SA70 7PH 0 51.66413 -4.724192
SA70 7PJ 0 51.663672 -4.723757
SA70 7PL 0 51.663084 -4.722739
SA70 7PN 1 51.66227 -4.72256
SA70 7PQ 0 51.664759 -4.724184
SA70 7PR 1 51.660553 -4.722517
SA70 7PS 1 51.65882 -4.722382
SA70 7PT 1 51.659023 -4.722929
SA70 7PU 1 51.659531 -4.72354
SA70 7PW 0 51.663228 -4.720014
SA70 7PX 0 51.659805 -4.723337
SA70 7PY 1 51.661558 -4.724527
SA70 7PZ 0 51.659288 -4.724318
SA70 7QA 0 51.659145 -4.726609
SA70 7QB 0 51.658826 -4.7237
SA70 7QD 0 51.658689 -4.724184
SA70 7QE 0 51.657945 -4.72833