all postcodes in SA7 / SWANSEA

find any address or company within the SA7 postcode district

Postcode Area

SA / Swansea

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SA7 9RP 0 51.664042 -3.875348
SA7 9GJ 7 0 51.667621 -3.873125
SA7 9GN 7 0 51.667876 -3.872918
SA7 9GP 7 0 51.668104 -3.872696
SA7 9GQ 9 0 51.668332 -3.872489
SA7 9NJ 77 0 51.667154 -3.876794
SA7 9NT 69 0 51.666114 -3.87772
SA70 7AA 2 51.671939 -4.69916
SA70 7AD 5 51.67158 -4.698328
SA70 7HA 2 51.672338 -4.699775
SA70 7AG 1 51.671655 -4.698593
SA70 7AH 3 51.671479 -4.699203
SA70 7AJ 8 51.671454 -4.698726
SA70 7AN 0 51.674159 -4.705076
SA70 7AR 1 51.671083 -4.698037
SA70 7AS 10 51.671255 -4.697598
SA70 7AX 1 51.671221 -4.696729
SA70 7AY 4 51.671535 -4.696747
SA70 7AZ 1 51.672003 -4.700275
SA70 7BA 0 51.671038 -4.697658