all postcodes in SA7 / SWANSEA

find any address or company within the SA7 postcode district

Postcode Area

SA / Swansea

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SA7 9LH 43 1 51.668072 -3.876426
SA7 9LJ 27 0 51.668359 -3.878723
SA7 9LL 38 0 51.668231 -3.877719
SA7 9LN 40 0 51.667355 -3.879086
SA7 9LP 7 0 51.668364 -3.880068
SA7 9LQ 3 0 51.66987 -3.876806
SA7 9LR 57 0 51.669153 -3.879102
SA7 9LS 34 3 51.670457 -3.878305
SA7 9LT 44 0 51.66997 -3.880064
SA7 9LU 9 0 51.669606 -3.880945
SA7 9LW 35 1 51.668149 -3.880928
SA7 9LX 10 0 51.668957 -3.874237
SA7 9LY 12 0 51.669252 -3.877964
SA7 9NA 52 5 51.670857 -3.872622
SA7 9NB 1 1 51.67105 -3.871834
SA7 9ND 13 0 51.66384 -3.867185
SA7 9NE 17 0 51.663428 -3.867645
SA7 9NF 48 0 51.66446 -3.868873
SA7 9NG 1 0 51.669896 -3.871975
SA7 9NH 23 0 51.663001 -3.867931