all postcodes in SA9 / SWANSEA

find any address or company within the SA9 postcode district

Postcode Area

SA / Swansea

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SA9 2GL 0 51.799902 -3.820112
SA9 2GN 4 51.800904 -3.820471
SA9 2GP 0 51.800963 -3.818342
SA9 2GQ 0 51.80238 -3.821982
SA9 2GR 0 51.801941 -3.819701
SA9 2GS 0 51.802214 -3.821091
SA9 2GT 0 51.800858 -3.822848
SA9 2GU 1 51.801789 -3.823089
SA9 2GX 0 51.801403 -3.82406
SA9 2GY 0 51.801474 -3.825425
SA9 2HA 0 51.761242 -3.782793
SA9 2HB 0 51.760782 -3.777529
SA9 2HD 0 51.758135 -3.786453
SA9 2HP 0 51.76437 -3.787453
SA9 2HR 3 51.765693 -3.786939
SA9 2HS 4 51.765945 -3.785109
SA9 2HT 0 51.765692 -3.785229
SA9 2HU 2 51.766125 -3.783942
SA9 2HW 6 51.771555 -3.7793
SA9 2HX 2 51.767519 -3.782765