all postcodes in SE1 / LONDON

find any address or company within the SE1 postcode district

Postcode Area

SE / South East London

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SE1 9LX 17 11 51.507249 -0.107772
SE1 9NA 1 1 51.506439 -0.108296
SE1 9NB 38 1 51.506329 -0.10928
SE1 9NG 1 1 51.506938 -0.106906
SE1 9NH 23 3 51.506518 -0.109849
SE1 9NL 12 0 51.506988 -0.109484
SE1 9NN 55 2 51.505838 -0.110641
SE1 9NP 1 1 51.506938 -0.106906
SE1 9NQ 92 1 51.505424 -0.111627
SE1 9NR 16 1 51.506676 -0.110159
SE1 9NS 13 1 51.506657 -0.110679
SE1 9NT 6 5 51.506939 -0.106881
SE1 9NY 1 1 51.506997 -0.104973
SE1 9NZ 40 0 51.507887 -0.106118
SE1 9PB 31 0 51.508347 -0.105075
SE1 9PD 25 24 51.508413 -0.106932
SE1 9PE 55 0 51.508347 -0.105075
SE1 9PH 38 37 51.508355 -0.108361
SE1 9PL 3 1 51.507203 -0.108167
SE1 9PP 33 21 51.507532 -0.110282