all postcodes in SE12 / LONDON

find any address or company within the SE12 postcode district

Postcode Area

SE / South East London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SE12 0EA 20 0 51.429681 0.022911
SE12 0ED 15 0 51.429692 0.020192
SE12 0EE 46 0 51.428426 0.021647
SE12 0EF 59 10 51.429634 0.020952
SE12 0EG 30 0 51.427595 0.020805
SE12 0EP 34 0 51.427919 0.022862
SE12 0EQ 12 0 51.427508 0.021664
SE12 0ER 28 0 51.428991 0.023269
SE12 0ES 8 0 51.429028 0.022191
SE12 0EW 39 0 51.428362 0.022735
SE12 0HH 20 0 51.444275 0.016214
SE12 0HJ 8 0 51.44518 0.015364
SE12 0HL 1 1 51.449499 0.012028
SE12 0HN 18 0 51.446649 0.013558
SE12 0HP 38 0 51.448951 0.008895
SE12 0HQ 4 0 51.445763 0.014886
SE12 0HR 39 1 51.449228 0.009008
SE12 0HS 6 0 51.446325 0.014134
SE12 0HT 94 0 51.444293 0.016217
SE12 0HU 28 1 51.442463 0.01805