all postcodes in SE12 / LONDON

find any address or company within the SE12 postcode district

Postcode Area

SE / South East London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SE12 9RU 32 0 51.427685 0.030663
SE12 9RX 30 0 51.428488 0.032079
SE12 9RY 26 0 51.428412 0.031299
SE12 9RZ 26 0 51.427813 0.031057
SE12 9SA 24 0 51.426006 0.032631
SE12 9SB 39 0 51.425855 0.031977
SE12 9SD 18 0 51.426664 0.03253
SE12 9SE 30 0 51.42812 0.033588
SE12 9SU 26 0 51.432933 0.024651
SE12 9SX 29 0 51.433043 0.02608
SE12 9SZ 22 0 51.432819 0.026574
SE12 9TA 68 0 51.430055 0.023646
SE12 9TE 14 0 51.430229 0.027092
SE12 9TF 8 0 51.431378 0.028265
SE12 9TG 44 0 51.431996 0.023747
SE12 9TH 36 2 51.43134 0.024236
SE12 9TJ 18 0 51.431194 0.022258
SE12 9TL 12 0 51.430448 0.023834
SE12 9TN 33 0 51.430722 0.02405
SE12 9TP 30 0 51.430807 0.024874