all postcodes in SE16 / LONDON

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Postcode Area

SE / South East London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SE16 3RS 1 51.492593 -0.070954
SE16 3RT 0 51.492529 -0.073045
SE16 3RW 11 51.492079 -0.063772
SE16 3SF 5 51.49574 -0.069294
SE16 3SG 1 51.496271 -0.070914
SE16 3SL 0 51.495221 -0.069993
SE16 3SN 0 51.495203 -0.069446
SE16 3SP 0 51.4938 -0.068759
SE16 3SR 0 51.493057 -0.068445
SE16 3SS 0 51.493442 -0.070082
SE16 3TJ 1 51.492762 -0.080152
SE16 3TL 0 51.495077 -0.07105
SE16 3TP 14 51.49232 -0.061457
SE16 3TR 0 51.494563 -0.071519
SE16 3TS 8 51.492564 -0.063161
SE16 3TU 4 51.492354 -0.064611
SE16 3TX 9 51.492471 -0.065715
SE16 3TY 7 51.492872 -0.070423
SE16 3TZ 1 51.493258 -0.070925
SE16 3UA 0 51.493095 -0.064839