all postcodes in SE2 / LONDON

find any address or company within the SE2 postcode district

Postcode Area

SE / South East London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SE2 0XT 28 1 51.479693 0.1055
SE2 0XU 38 0 51.480847 0.10381
SE2 0XW 31 1 51.482984 0.101489
SE2 0XX 20 1 51.480274 0.10364
SE2 0XY 18 0 51.480628 0.102965
SE2 0XZ 16 0 51.481619 0.102909
SE2 0YA 21 0 51.481065 0.104209
SE2 0YB 28 1 51.480506 0.102268
SE2 0YH 15 0 51.489209 0.120343
SE2 0YJ 28 0 51.488822 0.120383
SE2 0YL 31 0 51.488075 0.120434
SE2 0YN 29 0 51.48766 0.120458
SE2 0YP 18 0 51.487275 0.120887
SE2 0YR 1 0 51.487043 0.121265
SE2 0YS 1 1 51.489395 0.121029
SE2 0YW 18 0 51.487288 0.120167
SE2 0ZP 1 1 51.498488 0.10445
SE2 0XH 0 51.485185 0.102123
SE2 0AU 0 51.480976 0.125088
SE2 0BB 0 51.486791 0.11879