all postcodes in SE3 / LONDON

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Postcode Area

SE / South East London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SE3 0QR 1 51.469087 -0.000688
SE3 0QS 0 51.469272 -0.002005
SE3 0QT 0 51.468877 -0.002079
SE3 0QU 1 51.468627 -0.002177
SE3 0QW 0 51.467571 0.000236
SE3 0QX 0 51.468254 -0.004007
SE3 0QZ 1 51.470263 -0.00474
SE3 0RB 3 51.467967 0.003856
SE3 0RE 0 51.468417 -0.003539
SE3 0RL 2 51.468183 0.009636
SE3 0RN 0 51.467863 0.010471
SE3 0RS 0 51.46748 0.00968
SE3 0RT 0 51.467382 0.009114
SE3 0RU 0 51.469395 0.011319
SE3 0RW 1 51.468707 0.010008
SE3 0RX 0 51.469414 0.010716
SE3 0RY 0 51.46951 0.011944
SE3 0SD 0 51.469611 0.012895
SE3 0SE 0 51.468554 0.012636
SE3 0SF 1 51.468467 0.014