all postcodes in SE4 / LONDON

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Postcode Area

SE / South East London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SE4 1SY 1 51.46945 -0.031658
SE4 1SZ 0 51.46914 -0.03252
SE4 1TB 6 51.467965 -0.032686
SE4 1TD 1 51.467289 -0.031506
SE4 1TE 0 51.467228 -0.032116
SE4 1TF 2 51.467373 -0.033247
SE4 1TG 0 51.465976 -0.034675
SE4 1TN 0 51.464861 -0.035253
SE4 1TP 0 51.465005 -0.032626
SE4 1TQ 0 51.464488 -0.030201
SE4 1TR 0 51.464755 -0.030031
SE4 1TS 1 51.463683 -0.029905
SE4 1TT 0 51.463848 -0.029005
SE4 1TU 0 51.463327 -0.029071
SE4 1TW 0 51.464973 -0.033909
SE4 1TX 0 51.462845 -0.029826
SE4 1TY 0 51.461829 -0.030906
SE4 1TZ 0 51.461138 -0.032605
SE4 1UA 0 51.461466 -0.032865
SE4 1UB 0 51.461667 -0.031935