all postcodes in SE8 / LONDON

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Postcode Area

SE / South East London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SE8 3WE 1 1 51.481268 -0.025878
SE8 3GD 0 51.487589 -0.031755
SE8 3NW 1 51.486868 -0.033788
SE8 3FD 1 51.480637 -0.02206
SE8 3JE 7 0 51.483252 -0.026771
SE8 3FB 60 2 51.480571 -0.020262
SE8 3FF 31 0 51.480932 -0.019325
SE8 3FE 89 1 51.480873 -0.020047
SE8 3FH 35 0 51.481025 -0.018344
SE8 3FJ 93 0 51.481024 -0.01837
SE8 3FL 2 0 51.480933 -0.019298
SE8 3FG 0 51.480932 -0.019325
SE8 3DA 1 1 51.480571 -0.020236
SE8 3FR 29 0 51.481321 -0.024248
SE8 3FS 29 0 51.481321 -0.024248
SE8 3FN 4 51.480932 -0.019325
SE8 3FT 12 0 51.484973 -0.02481
SE8 3GE 5 0 51.484826 -0.024082
SE8 3FW 54 0 51.484972 -0.023687
SE8 3FX 54 0 51.484972 -0.023687