all postcodes in SG1 / STEVENAGE

find any address or company within the SG1 postcode district

Postcode Area

SG / Stevenage

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SG1 3EY 24 0 51.917042 -0.211826
SG1 3EZ 20 0 51.915743 -0.213195
SG1 3GA 4 0 51.913032 -0.207143
SG1 3HA 2 0 51.913313 -0.209647
SG1 3HD 9 1 51.913174 -0.211639
SG1 3HE 18 4 51.913946 -0.212699
SG1 3HF 1 1 51.913368 -0.209567
SG1 3HH 25 23 51.914211 -0.213668
SG1 3HJ 30 0 51.911075 -0.21133
SG1 3HP 33 0 51.910376 -0.212803
SG1 3HQ 7 0 51.911208 -0.213729
SG1 3HR 26 17 51.910247 -0.20719
SG1 3HS 24 12 51.909433 -0.20683
SG1 3HT 2 1 51.907416 -0.206096
SG1 3HU 1 1 51.90833 -0.20526
SG1 3HW 1 0 51.912185 -0.209221
SG1 3JA 27 11 51.90894 -0.20339
SG1 3JB 25 1 51.909342 -0.20269
SG1 3JD 9 0 51.909498 -0.204618
SG1 3JE 2 0 51.909792 -0.203986