all postcodes in SG10 / MUCH HADHAM

find any address or company within the SG10 postcode district

Postcode Area

SG / Stevenage

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SG10 6BA 10 0 51.840215 0.061292
SG10 6BD 4 0 51.836167 0.061458
SG10 6BB 2 0 51.839138 0.056002
SG10 6BE 5 0 51.844452 0.064273
SG10 6BG 14 0 51.845057 0.063665
SG10 6BH 21 0 51.844504 0.067022
SG10 6BJ 1 0 51.834562 0.055027
SG10 6BN 10 0 51.843657 0.063961
SG10 6BP 8 0 51.853399 0.072047
SG10 6BQ 47 0 51.845033 0.066596
SG10 6BS 17 1 51.853239 0.071416
SG10 6BT 11 0 51.852536 0.0715
SG10 6BU 10 2 51.854975 0.071887
SG10 6BX 5 0 51.855641 0.07186
SG10 6BY 15 0 51.856469 0.072287
SG10 6BZ 3 0 51.855541 0.072422
SG10 6DA 15 1 51.856375 0.072547
SG10 6DB 8 1 51.857782 0.07235
SG10 6DD 6 0 51.857449 0.072321
SG10 6DE 20 4 51.848611 0.070738