all postcodes in SG11 / WARE

find any address or company within the SG11 postcode district

Postcode Area

SG / Stevenage

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SG11 1US 19 0 51.892038 0.011476
SG11 1UT 36 0 51.890237 0.010044
SG11 1UU 9 0 51.892319 0.012375
SG11 1WA 1 1 51.805799 -0.022812
SG11 1XD 13 0 51.885591 0.022421
SG11 1UX 3 0 51.891998 0.012186
SG11 1PT 21 0 51.884006 0.025692
SG11 1SB 0 51.885856 0.008527
SG11 1PG 0 51.884173 0.015484
SG11 1AQ 6 0 51.883823 0.026919
SG11 1AT 3 3 51.886128 0.023607
SG11 1BJ 0 51.859165 -0.01677
SG11 1BL 0 51.867347 -0.010876
SG11 1DE 58 0 51.894212 0.012634
SG11 1RD 0 51.891661 0.012418
SG11 1UP 19 0 51.890926 0.010773
SG11 1BQ 54 0 51.84781 -0.021785
SG11 1DG 1 51.89422 0.012663
SG11 2AA 7 0 51.876502 0.083134
SG11 2AB 8 0 51.876859 0.08325