all postcodes in SG12 / BUNTINGFORD

find any address or company within the SG12 postcode district

Postcode Area

SG / Stevenage

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SG12 8BG 0 51.788325 -0.006177
SG12 8BH 0 51.787693 -0.003899
SG12 8BJ 0 51.787833 -0.005256
SG12 8BL 0 51.787196 -0.004269
SG12 8BQ 0 51.788102 -0.006288
SG12 8BU 0 51.789767 0.008967
SG12 8BX 0 51.792073 0.010663
SG12 8BY 1 51.793101 0.006447
SG12 8BZ 1 51.788723 0.009544
SG12 8DA 0 51.793712 0.006489
SG12 8DB 0 51.79548 0.004058
SG12 8DE 0 51.786657 0.000419
SG12 8DF 1 51.805799 -0.022812
SG12 8DG 0 51.78919 -0.000962
SG12 8DH 0 51.787522 0.00243
SG12 8DJ 2 51.787024 0.002478
SG12 8DL 5 51.787076 0.002787
SG12 8DR 2 51.791092 0.000311
SG12 8DS 1 51.787948 0.001202
SG12 8DT 0 51.787453 0.000687