all postcodes in SG13 / HERTFORD

find any address or company within the SG13 postcode district

Postcode Area

SG / Stevenage

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SG13 7LL 0 51.795037 -0.064483
SG13 7LQ 0 51.795284 -0.068055
SG13 7LT 1 51.796791 -0.065075
SG13 7LU 1 51.795967 -0.065284
SG13 7LY 1 51.797307 -0.062544
SG13 7LZ 0 51.778869 -0.027194
SG13 7NE 6 51.796065 -0.063758
SG13 7NF 5 51.795643 -0.063094
SG13 7NH 1 51.796627 -0.064415
SG13 7NL 0 51.797503 -0.065175
SG13 7NN 10 51.795092 -0.062002
SG13 7NP 0 51.777793 -0.026864
SG13 7NQ 1 51.794864 -0.057312
SG13 7NR 0 51.797181 -0.064725
SG13 7NS 0 51.789752 -0.055937
SG13 7NT 1 51.792904 -0.050422
SG13 7NU 32 51.779153 -0.032517
SG13 7NW 7 51.795659 -0.058236
SG13 7NX 2 51.777981 -0.025871
SG13 7NY 2 51.779366 -0.017734