all postcodes in SG3 / KNEBWORTH

find any address or company within the SG3 postcode district

Postcode Area

SG / Stevenage

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SG3 6BA 0 51.865935 -0.190143
SG3 6BB 0 51.865748 -0.187943
SG3 6BD 0 51.865505 -0.188597
SG3 6BE 0 51.863859 -0.18905
SG3 6BG 0 51.863763 -0.190483
SG3 6BH 0 51.863936 -0.187028
SG3 6BJ 0 51.862694 -0.186503
SG3 6BL 0 51.865424 -0.190373
SG3 6BN 0 51.863195 -0.188002
SG3 6BP 0 51.861434 -0.184544
SG3 6BQ 0 51.864774 -0.191938
SG3 6BS 0 51.860634 -0.184591
SG3 6BT 0 51.865296 -0.193747
SG3 6BU 0 51.864442 -0.192547
SG3 6BW 0 51.862837 -0.187601
SG3 6BX 0 51.864633 -0.190254
SG3 6BY 0 51.865166 -0.191017
SG3 6BZ 0 51.865111 -0.191498
SG3 6DA 0 51.865075 -0.183933
SG3 6DB 0 51.865288 -0.185478