all postcodes in SG8 / ROYSTON

find any address or company within the SG8 postcode district

Postcode Area

SG / Stevenage

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SG8 6DG 1 52.074075 0.000227
SG8 6DH 0 52.067468 -0.00611
SG8 6DJ 1 52.073408 0.008252
SG8 6DL 0 52.067929 0.026302
SG8 6DN 28 52.076074 0.015901
SG8 6DP 1 52.075425 0.011815
SG8 6DR 0 52.077667 0.012135
SG8 6DS 0 52.077521 0.018564
SG8 6DT 0 52.089627 0.015812
SG8 6DU 1 52.083533 0.016165
SG8 6DX 11 52.084628 0.014696
SG8 6DY 0 52.085616 0.015821
SG8 6DZ 3 52.084509 0.017464
SG8 6EA 0 52.084405 0.019882
SG8 6EB 0 52.085831 0.019538
SG8 6ED 5 52.088334 0.018848
SG8 6EE 1 52.0881 0.025669
SG8 6EF 1 52.087655 0.018073
SG8 6EG 0 52.086388 0.020103
SG8 6EH 0 52.087472 0.022458