all postcodes in SG8 / ROYSTON

find any address or company within the SG8 postcode district

Postcode Area

SG / Stevenage

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SG8 9QX 13 0 52.007223 -0.04603
SG8 9RA 2 0 51.998746 -0.044478
SG8 9RB 1 0 51.990389 -0.048046
SG8 9RE 9 4 51.986806 -0.052149
SG8 9RG 2 0 52.000384 -0.040749
SG8 9RH 9 0 52.008014 -0.039497
SG8 9RJ 1 0 52.010518 -0.040234
SG8 9RL 10 0 52.010391 -0.032676
SG8 9RP 2 1 52.010723 -0.024531
SG8 9SA 4 0 52.024685 -0.079363
SG8 9SD 13 0 52.014986 -0.06576
SG8 9SE 9 1 52.012548 -0.06569
SG8 9SG 4 0 52.009846 -0.061639
SG8 9SH 5 0 52.009741 -0.062271
SG8 9SJ 5 0 52.008667 -0.06099
SG8 9SN 1 0 52.010149 -0.064773
SG8 9SP 5 0 52.008653 -0.065071
SG8 9SQ 4 0 52.007823 -0.059482
SG8 9SS 1 0 52.019409 -0.082738
SG8 9TA 18 0 52.046712 -0.00925