all postcodes in SG8 / ROYSTON

find any address or company within the SG8 postcode district

Postcode Area

SG / Stevenage

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SG8 0UB 0 52.060052 -0.126408
SG8 0WX 1 52.057936 -0.032425
SG8 0NH 0 52.061834 -0.128042
SG8 0QA 0 52.067421 -0.089611
SG8 0QL 0 52.067112 -0.090046
SG8 0BB 0 52.059765 -0.12696
SG8 0BE 1 0 52.111042 -0.146575
SG8 1AS 1 1 52.057936 -0.032425
SG8 1AX 1 52.057936 -0.032425
SG8 1AZ 1 52.057936 -0.032425
SG8 1BQ 1 0 52.057936 -0.032425
SG8 1DL 1 1 52.057936 -0.032425
SG8 1DP 1 52.057936 -0.032425
SG8 1DZ 1 52.057936 -0.032425
SG8 1EB 1 0 52.057936 -0.032425
SG8 1ED 1 52.057936 -0.032425
SG8 1EF 1 52.057946 -0.032397
SG8 1EG 1 1 52.057936 -0.032425
SG8 1EH 1 1 52.057936 -0.032425
SG8 1EL 1 0 52.057946 -0.032397