all postcodes in SG9 / BUNTINGFORD

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Postcode Area

SG / Stevenage

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SG9 0BG 7 0 51.974644 0.074958
SG9 0BH 3 0 51.977915 0.070974
SG9 0BJ 3 0 51.977575 0.056018
SG9 0BL 11 0 51.979751 0.049289
SG9 0BN 10 0 51.979433 0.044804
SG9 0BP 3 0 51.980092 0.046217
SG9 0BQ 4 0 51.974301 0.07551
SG9 0BS 3 0 51.98263 0.038309
SG9 0BT 1 0 51.986445 0.031972
SG9 0BU 1 1 51.978523 0.02726
SG9 0BW 9 1 51.978505 0.046509
SG9 0BX 6 0 51.97793 0.045929
SG9 0BY 7 1 51.97617 0.043214
SG9 0BZ 6 0 51.972778 0.041749
SG9 0DA 6 1 51.970572 0.045536
SG9 0DB 1 0 51.970084 0.046766
SG9 0DD 9 0 51.978473 0.045226
SG9 0DE 4 0 51.970528 0.054313
SG9 0DF 1 0 51.969218 0.052579
SG9 0DG 5 1 51.965037 0.061835