all postcodes in SK1 / STOCKPORT

find any address or company within the SK1 postcode district

Postcode Area

SK / Stockport

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SK1 4JY 54 0 53.402806 -2.140336
SK1 4JZ 6 0 53.404443 -2.1398
SK1 4LG 6 6 53.401976 -2.149086
SK1 4LH 1 1 53.401226 -2.1531
SK1 4LJ 7 5 53.401327 -2.151551
SK1 4LP 38 0 53.402125 -2.146125
SK1 4LR 14 11 53.400893 -2.146587
SK1 4LS 14 0 53.40172 -2.14698
SK1 4LT 1 1 53.401932 -2.149914
SK1 4LW 1 1 53.403165 -2.148354
SK1 4LZ 45 0 53.40138 -2.14534
SK1 4NA 25 0 53.400921 -2.145985
SK1 4NB 11 5 53.401717 -2.140301
SK1 4ND 51 2 53.400411 -2.144284
SK1 4NE 4 0 53.4005 -2.144254
SK1 4NF 23 0 53.400303 -2.143622
SK1 4NG 34 0 53.399181 -2.142911
SK1 4NH 18 0 53.399084 -2.141542
SK1 4NJ 24 0 53.398022 -2.142065
SK1 4NL 52 0 53.397716 -2.14241