all postcodes in SK12 / STOCKPORT

find any address or company within the SK12 postcode district

Postcode Area

SK / Stockport

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SK12 2DL 13 0 53.358156 -2.031633
SK12 2DN 51 0 53.357473 -2.029859
SK12 2DP 14 0 53.356844 -2.029017
SK12 2DQ 6 1 53.356413 -2.034216
SK12 2DT 18 6 53.359396 -2.037374
SK12 2DU 7 0 53.361403 -2.030869
SK12 2DW 7 0 53.35821 -2.027741
SK12 2DX 4 1 53.359412 -2.037043
SK12 2DY 10 0 53.360024 -2.034444
SK12 2DZ 41 5 53.360402 -2.035556
SK12 2EB 25 1 53.360689 -2.036473
SK12 2ED 11 0 53.361743 -2.034145
SK12 2EE 24 0 53.360977 -2.034249
SK12 2EF 6 0 53.360959 -2.034595
SK12 2EG 4 0 53.36113 -2.033754
SK12 2EH 8 0 53.36177 -2.03368
SK12 2EJ 8 0 53.360953 -2.032372
SK12 2EL 20 0 53.361888 -2.032267
SK12 2EN 10 0 53.360942 -2.031154
SK12 2EP 6 0 53.360996 -2.030448