all postcodes in SK12 / STOCKPORT

find any address or company within the SK12 postcode district

Postcode Area

SK / Stockport

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SK12 1GP 1 53.349473 -2.118018
SK12 1HA 0 53.349867 -2.128655
SK12 1HB 1 53.349559 -2.131343
SK12 1HD 0 53.350359 -2.130113
SK12 1HE 2 53.350656 -2.130776
SK12 1HF 0 53.350609 -2.132608
SK12 1HG 1 53.34984 -2.136316
SK12 1HH 0 53.350844 -2.139219
SK12 1HJ 0 53.350269 -2.139487
SK12 1HL 8 0 53.351273 -2.142044
SK12 1HN 60 0 53.352073 -2.141551
SK12 1HP 30 0 53.351216 -2.144283
SK12 1HR 8 0 53.350713 -2.142913
SK12 1HS 11 0 53.350148 -2.142521
SK12 1HT 61 0 53.348997 -2.143133
SK12 1HU 49 0 53.349934 -2.141319
SK12 1HW 12 0 53.351882 -2.143729
SK12 1HX 24 0 53.349142 -2.141902
SK12 1HY 49 0 53.347944 -2.128739
SK12 1HZ 39 0 53.347879 -2.130346