all postcodes in SK12 / STOCKPORT

find any address or company within the SK12 postcode district

Postcode Area

SK / Stockport

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SK12 1LA 39 13 53.347114 -2.122909
SK12 1LB 5 0 53.348135 -2.108055
SK12 1LD 39 0 53.346432 -2.12196
SK12 1LE 44 0 53.345911 -2.121478
SK12 1LF 23 0 53.344757 -2.124599
SK12 1LG 21 0 53.343569 -2.126173
SK12 1LJ 5 0 53.360704 -2.114894
SK12 1LL 9 0 53.340951 -2.128433
SK12 1LN 32 0 53.341862 -2.125987
SK12 1LP 45 0 53.340867 -2.123236
SK12 1LQ 34 10 53.341545 -2.127368
SK12 1LR 55 0 53.343644 -2.123469
SK12 1LS 33 0 53.342422 -2.12297
SK12 1LT 33 0 53.34324 -2.122882
SK12 1LU 3 0 53.343231 -2.123288
SK12 1LW 28 0 53.341979 -2.125027
SK12 1LX 36 0 53.343052 -2.121996
SK12 1LY 19 1 53.343225 -2.120359
SK12 1LZ 20 0 53.344016 -2.120451
SK12 1NB 1 1 53.337263 -2.12291