all postcodes in SK13 / GLOSSOP

find any address or company within the SK13 postcode district

Postcode Area

SK / Stockport

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SK13 5EY 15 4 53.432875 -1.9937
SK13 5EZ 26 2 53.433376 -1.992177
SK13 5HA 21 0 53.432794 -1.992134
SK13 5HB 34 2 53.435445 -1.989605
SK13 5HD 35 0 53.4346 -1.992962
SK13 5HE 16 0 53.433926 -1.993639
SK13 5HF 14 0 53.439454 -1.988641
SK13 5HG 2 1 53.437762 -1.987389
SK13 5HH 9 1 53.432568 -1.986204
SK13 5HJ 20 0 53.431823 -1.990283
SK13 5HL 10 0 53.42811 -1.991292
SK13 5HN 1 0 53.423498 -1.979872
SK13 5HP 26 0 53.435373 -1.991502
SK13 5HQ 29 0 53.433099 -1.988341
SK13 5HW 21 0 53.434501 -1.991893
SK13 5RR 7 0 53.425899 -2.012557
SK13 5RS 4 1 53.430786 -2.017855
SK13 5RT 4 0 53.42854 -2.02082
SK13 5RU 5 0 53.425628 -2.019058
SK13 5RZ 9 0 53.425 -2.015115