all postcodes in SK13 / GLOSSOP

find any address or company within the SK13 postcode district

Postcode Area

SK / Stockport

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SK13 2AB 0 53.456826 -1.972748
SK13 2BF 7 0 53.461443 -1.967531
SK13 5BZ 5 0 53.431068 -1.996018
SK13 5DA 40 1 53.430771 -1.995792
SK13 5DD 24 0 53.429028 -1.996274
SK13 5DE 17 1 53.429252 -1.997673
SK13 5DF 9 0 53.427607 -1.999525
SK13 5DG 6 0 53.427383 -1.997327
SK13 5DH 35 2 53.426448 -2.003031
SK13 5DJ 2 0 53.426635 -2.000245
SK13 5DL 34 2 53.4266 -2.008373
SK13 5DN 1 0 53.429827 -2.013597
SK13 5DP 10 2 53.429439 -1.999778
SK13 5DR 22 3 53.431733 -2.009925
SK13 5DS 2 0 53.437214 -2.013898
SK13 5DT 2 0 53.435074 -2.017089
SK13 5DW 7 0 53.430636 -1.994633
SK13 5EP 3 1 53.441135 -2.007127
SK13 5ER 4 0 53.443956 -2.001901
SK13 5ES 36 0 53.43869 -2.000518