all postcodes in SK14 / GLOSSOP

find any address or company within the SK14 postcode district

Postcode Area

SK / Stockport

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SK14 5DH 4 0 53.438402 -2.08143
SK14 5DJ 9 0 53.437701 -2.080149
SK14 5DL 65 0 53.437745 -2.082663
SK14 5DN 10 0 53.439422 -2.087122
SK14 5DP 16 0 53.438928 -2.08688
SK14 5DQ 12 0 53.439416 -2.083358
SK14 5DR 4 0 53.439826 -2.088176
SK14 5DT 3 0 53.437298 -2.07926
SK14 5DU 30 0 53.439974 -2.082772
SK14 5DW 4 0 53.439197 -2.087272
SK14 5DX 7 0 53.439099 -2.086248
SK14 5DZ 12 0 53.435031 -2.080866
SK14 5EB 32 2 53.436014 -2.074018
SK14 5ED 39 2 53.435342 -2.072528
SK14 5EE 42 0 53.434802 -2.073731
SK14 5EF 20 0 53.43483 -2.071835
SK14 5EG 15 0 53.433671 -2.072089
SK14 5EH 10 0 53.435389 -2.070225
SK14 5EJ 25 0 53.434382 -2.069471
SK14 5EL 10 0 53.435164 -2.069352