all postcodes in SK14 / GLOSSOP

find any address or company within the SK14 postcode district

Postcode Area

SK / Stockport

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SK14 3ST 0 53.449787 -2.056411
SK14 3ET 12 0 53.452704 -2.044082
SK14 3EU 23 0 53.45219 -2.043645
SK14 3EX 18 0 53.451994 -2.044578
SK14 3EY 51 0 53.451588 -2.042409
SK14 3EZ 9 0 53.451212 -2.042725
SK14 3BF 7 0 53.453208 -2.043465
SK14 3FJ 0 53.450539 -2.040135
SK14 3FL 4 53.450944 -2.040391
SK14 3FN 6 0 53.452021 -2.038284
SK14 3FP 16 0 53.452408 -2.038525
SK14 3FQ 0 53.452048 -2.039127
SK14 3FS 0 53.450098 -2.037574
SK14 3FT 0 53.450781 -2.036852
SK14 3FU 0 53.450988 -2.036762
SK14 3RH 4 0 53.447171 -2.026459
SK14 3RJ 8 0 53.447216 -2.026173
SK14 3RL 4 0 53.447395 -2.026173
SK14 3QF 1 1 53.444465 -2.027918
SK14 4EG 2 53.466761 -2.046868