all postcodes in SK16 / DUKINFIELD

find any address or company within the SK16 postcode district

Postcode Area

SK / Stockport

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SK16 4SL 73 0 53.475142 -2.088431
SK16 4SN 26 0 53.475053 -2.08709
SK16 4SP 33 0 53.475341 -2.085538
SK16 4JB 4 3 53.482463 -2.093298
SK16 4EG 0 53.479365 -2.089419
SK16 4NJ 1 1 53.480528 -2.097272
SK16 4JR 9 0 53.478391 -2.093847
SK16 4FH 0 53.479413 -2.097797
SK16 4FJ 0 53.479683 -2.097029
SK16 4JG 1 53.475965 -2.093525
SK16 4EA 0 53.482042 -2.092197
SK16 4XP 1 53.467218 -2.094394
SK16 4XF 2 2 53.46676 -2.092164
SK16 4RN 3 3 53.470068 -2.102806
SK16 4LS 0 53.476637 -2.095108
SK16 4ZW 1 53.466683 -2.088353
SK16 4QU 1 1 53.472418 -2.098639
SK16 4AS 1 1 53.474508 -2.079435
SK16 5AA 0 53.471098 -2.087353
SK16 5AB 0 53.470603 -2.087261