all postcodes in SK16 / DUKINFIELD

find any address or company within the SK16 postcode district

Postcode Area

SK / Stockport

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SK16 4DL 4 53.47758 -2.082183
SK16 4DN 0 53.477848 -2.087773
SK16 4DP 0 53.478932 -2.090548
SK16 4DR 0 53.478663 -2.091015
SK16 4DS 0 53.477269 -2.091644
SK16 4DT 0 53.477449 -2.091735
SK16 4DW 0 53.478017 -2.089521
SK16 4DX 0 53.478449 -2.089477
SK16 4DY 5 53.477789 -2.091284
SK16 4EB 0 53.478447 -2.092054
SK16 4ED 0 53.478833 -2.092461
SK16 4EH 1 53.478494 -2.088603
SK16 4EJ 0 53.479311 -2.089826
SK16 4EL 0 53.480121 -2.088757
SK16 4EN 1 53.479465 -2.087822
SK16 4EP 2 53.480257 -2.086708
SK16 4EQ 3 53.483588 -2.090075
SK16 4ER 0 53.479637 -2.087204
SK16 4ES 0 53.478747 -2.086268
SK16 4ET 0 53.479285 -2.088108