all postcodes in SK1 / STOCKPORT

find any address or company within the SK1 postcode district

Postcode Area

SK / Stockport

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SK1 4NP 36 0 53.39923 -2.139467
SK1 4NQ 13 0 53.398732 -2.141947
SK1 4NR 25 0 53.400665 -2.142284
SK1 4NS 6 0 53.401032 -2.142887
SK1 4NT 9 2 53.401287 -2.140331
SK1 4NW 58 0 53.399497 -2.141333
SK1 4PQ 12 0 53.401871 -2.141055
SK1 4PR 9 2 53.401851 -2.142018
SK1 4PT 22 0 53.400641 -2.139667
SK1 4PU 9 0 53.400228 -2.139109
SK1 4PX 12 0 53.400471 -2.13896
SK1 4PY 10 0 53.400992 -2.138826
SK1 4PZ 36 0 53.40262 -2.138516
SK1 4QA 27 5 53.401686 -2.137445
SK1 4WY 1 0 53.407561 -2.161562
SK1 9SA 1 53.405974 -2.158487
SK1 9SB 1 53.405974 -2.158487
SK1 9SD 1 53.405974 -2.158487
SK1 9SF 1 53.405974 -2.158487
SK1 9SG 1 53.405974 -2.158487