all postcodes in SK23 / HIGH PEAK

find any address or company within the SK23 postcode district

Postcode Area

SK / Stockport

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SK23 9UX 0 53.302276 -1.9293
SK23 9UY 0 53.297786 -1.935804
SK23 9UZ 1 53.300899 -1.941786
SK23 9WX 1 53.329381 -1.908009
SK23 9XA 0 53.293093 -1.952823
SK23 9SS 1 1 53.322225 -1.918969
SK23 9RU 0 53.323887 -1.91823
SK23 9WT 1 1 53.329381 -1.908009
SK23 9AA 23 0 53.321322 -1.929898
SK23 9AD 53 0 53.321393 -1.928592
SK23 9AB 0 53.321072 -1.930185
SK23 9AE 0 53.322068 -1.930587