all postcodes in SK5 / STOCKPORT

find any address or company within the SK5 postcode district

Postcode Area

SK / Stockport

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SK5 6SP 7 0 53.445837 -2.152538
SK5 6SQ 8 0 53.447966 -2.153449
SK5 6SR 56 0 53.444753 -2.15008
SK5 6SS 32 0 53.445184 -2.150398
SK5 6ST 28 0 53.445796 -2.149436
SK5 6SU 34 0 53.446262 -2.151064
SK5 6SW 31 0 53.44527 -2.152942
SK5 6SX 10 0 53.445921 -2.15031
SK5 6SY 8 0 53.445533 -2.151302
SK5 6SZ 21 0 53.446974 -2.148868
SK5 6TA 10 0 53.446984 -2.148492
SK5 6TD 64 0 53.447951 -2.15691
SK5 6TH 36 0 53.435828 -2.156566
SK5 6TJ 2 2 53.435699 -2.157858
SK5 6TL 11 0 53.436548 -2.155395
SK5 6TN 12 0 53.437078 -2.155653
SK5 6TP 41 3 53.444283 -2.15181
SK5 6TQ 13 0 53.441999 -2.152419
SK5 6TR 14 0 53.438039 -2.1568
SK5 6TS 27 0 53.438381 -2.156154