all postcodes in SK5 / STOCKPORT

find any address or company within the SK5 postcode district

Postcode Area

SK / Stockport

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SK5 8ER 0 53.427973 -2.133451
SK5 8ET 0 53.429222 -2.134193
SK5 8EU 0 53.428565 -2.134507
SK5 8EW 1 53.42702 -2.133674
SK5 8EX 0 53.429205 -2.132973
SK5 8EY 0 53.429027 -2.131694
SK5 8EZ 0 53.429376 -2.132778
SK5 8HA 0 53.429548 -2.132117
SK5 8HB 0 53.429934 -2.132103
SK5 8HD 0 53.430148 -2.133639
SK5 8HE 0 53.430265 -2.133805
SK5 8HF 0 53.429166 -2.135442
SK5 8HG 0 53.429383 -2.134554
SK5 8HH 2 53.430801 -2.136771
SK5 8HJ 0 53.431644 -2.136908
SK5 8HL 0 53.431708 -2.137451
SK5 8HN 0 53.43266 -2.137966
SK5 8HP 2 53.432274 -2.137077
SK5 8HQ 0 53.429884 -2.136452
SK5 8HR 0 53.431415 -2.133597