all postcodes in SK8 / CHEADLE

find any address or company within the SK8 postcode district

Postcode Area

SK / Stockport

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SK8 4QQ 22 0 53.384675 -2.228167
SK8 4QR 13 0 53.384393 -2.22564
SK8 4QS 42 0 53.385322 -2.228336
SK8 4QT 11 0 53.386678 -2.228945
SK8 4QU 10 0 53.387117 -2.229925
SK8 4QW 14 0 53.383021 -2.223889
SK8 4QX 1 1 53.386979 -2.226631
SK8 4RD 14 0 53.380644 -2.230311
SK8 4RF 18 3 53.382972 -2.225166
SK8 4RG 38 0 53.383595 -2.229124
SK8 4RH 26 0 53.381396 -2.227458
SK8 4RJ 8 0 53.382247 -2.228771
SK8 4RL 7 0 53.383092 -2.22882
SK8 4RN 7 0 53.383772 -2.230373
SK8 4RP 22 0 53.383223 -2.23067
SK8 4RQ 18 0 53.383094 -2.227588
SK8 4RR 30 1 53.382942 -2.232142
SK8 4RS 43 0 53.380368 -2.229076
SK8 4RT 8 0 53.381987 -2.228709
SK8 4RU 19 0 53.380945 -2.228358