all postcodes in SL1 / IVER

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Postcode Area

SL / Slough

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SL1 3TT 30 0 51.514659 -0.608214
SL1 3TU 12 0 51.514198 -0.608012
SL1 3TW 12 0 51.514347 -0.611334
SL1 3TX 30 0 51.514696 -0.610606
SL1 3UA 5 5 51.510399 -0.601629
SL1 3UF 6 6 51.511275 -0.606297
SL1 3UH 2 1 51.511789 -0.610363
SL1 3UQ 1 1 51.510858 -0.604655
SL1 3UR 1 1 51.512493 -0.613641
SL1 3UT 38 0 51.511482 -0.614032
SL1 3UU 21 0 51.512238 -0.614168
SL1 3UW 25 9 51.512397 -0.613125
SL1 3UX 7 2 51.51263 -0.614617
SL1 3WE 1 1 51.515278 -0.620301
SL1 3WS 1 1 51.508271 -0.584618
SL1 3XD 7 1 51.512775 -0.61542
SL1 3XE 15 4 51.514331 -0.617794
SL1 3XF 56 0 51.514287 -0.616092
SL1 3XG 27 0 51.514519 -0.615424
SL1 3XH 21 0 51.514046 -0.614949